Voltage feedback Vs Tachogenerator feedback....
Majority of applications
of DC drives involve holding the speed of the dc motor to a fixed set value
irrespective of variation in load, supply voltage etc. For controlling the
speed precisely, measurement of speed is necessary. Unless we measure we can
not control. Tachogenerators do the job of measuring the speed. They give
voltage proportional to the speed of the motor. Accuracy of control will
therefore depend to a great extent on the quality of the tachogenerator.
Typical speed holding accuracies are 0.5 % to 1 % . However, there are many
applications which require that speed of the dc motor be varied from zero to
full speed but accuracy is not necessary. In such cases, a cheaper control is
possible using Armature Voltage Feedback instead of Tachogenerator feedback.
The assumption here is that the speed of any dc motor is roughly proportional
to the armature voltage applied. This is true if we neglect the resistance
drop taking place in the armature winding. This drop in big motors is
typically up to 5 % of the rated motor voltage. That means, by using armature
voltage feedback, we can get speed holding accuracy up to 5 %. . However,
there is a method called “IR compensation” by which a better control is
possible. It is not as good as that achieved by using a tachogenerator. A
signal porportional to the Current in the Armature is already available in
the drive. It is derived from Current Transformers on AC side of the
thyristor bridge. This is subtracted from the feedback of Armature voltage.
Thus, actual feedback equivalent to (Armature Voltage- I x R ) is applied to
the speed amplifer and a better control of speed is achieved. Only precaution necessary while using
the armature voltage feedback is to isolate the armature voltage Galvanically
before it is fed to the electronic circuit. DC to DC isolators are available
for this purpose. The isolation prevents circuit components from becoming
"live" if feedback is not isolated.
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Speed control not satisfactory