Audacity ....



...A powerful free software for all audio tinkering



















 Recording in Audacity...







Using a microphone connected to the sound card of your PC, you can record long duration of sound on the hard disc. Depending on the capacity allocated to the recording, one can have quite long duration of recording. Under the tab “Edit” / “Preferences” one can select the type of recording, i.e. mono or stereo. Digital sampling rate is also selectable. 44,100 samples per second gives good CD quality of recording. Using the feature called “Hardware overdubbing” you can record your voice over another recording playing in the background.


Here is a sample tune which has used the Audacity features like Recording, Fading, reducing volume through amplification, mixing tracks, and changing tempo of the tune. The example is a crude one to demonstrate the use. There appears to be  no limit to the effects which can be generated. Your imagination and creativity will decide the limit.


Download and listen to the Sample Tune-1


Another tune here is an example of mixing 5 tracks played one after another, recorded separately and aligned on Time axis using Audcicty features to give a combined effect. It has two rhythm tracks, and three different instruments of Keybord.


Download and listen to another tune-2




Beginner's guide to Audacity...


Recording in Audacity...

Features of audacity


Creating mp3 file from the audacity project...

Initial settings....


Converting audio cassettes to CDs...

Generating Sound effects...


Get audacity from official site

Adding and Mixing tracks...



Editing sound files...


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